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This third phase will add about 2,500 square meters of new retail space and remodel a portion of the existing shopping center.

Novicon supplies and assembles both the steel and the cladding for this assignment. With this integral approach, the client has the advantage of having everything under one roof and having one point of contact during construction. Very convenient!

The steel structure consisting of approximately 250 tons of steel is primarily construction for the new building, but will also be partially mounted in and on the existing structure. The main focus for this project is the assembly of the steel structure and sheeting under and around the subway line. This over a length of some 115 meters. Besides the fact that accessibility is a challenge, it goes without saying that safety is also important to us for this project. With our experience and good communication with clients and co-builders, we will make this project a success.

Phase 3 will be divided into the two phases. Phase 1 will start just before Christmas and phase 2 will start about February of 2023. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. During the renovation, the mall will remain accessible and every effort will be made to minimize inconvenience to shoppers and ensure safety.


We stand for


We stand for

a personal and involved approach with short lines

We have

VCA- P certified specialist people with attention to detail

We offer

an integral approach from one party

We stand for

safety and quality

We stand for

open and reliable partnership

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Winkelcentrum de Koperwiek, 1e fase / 3

De montage van de staalconstructie van zo’n 250T, is afgerond en zijn de eerste dakplaten gelegd. Een deel is onder de metrobaan is gemonteerd, waardoor het metrostation midden in het winkelcentrum zal eindigen. 

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Grolsch Maisinname

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